Clearly, there's way too much circle-jerking going on right now about ChatGPT and about AIGC in general. It's easy to see how so many trend-sensitive, wannabee, self-appointed futurists think that it's the new world religion about to change the world, but I'm not that convinced. Much like Zuckerberg's prognostication about Libra, Facebook's digital currency (remember that), the change of Facebook's name to Meta because Zuckerberg declared it the new metaverse, and how both effectively fell flat on their respective faces. I haven't found anything too terribly unique about ChatGPT either. On the other hand, if you're lazy or do not care about creativity and the human spirit, ChatGPT and it's iterations will probably excite you until it doesn't. While I certainly believe AI will find it's way into our business and culture, I don't think it will happen as fast as everyone else seems to think it will. I'm thinkin' more like 5 - 10 years. Why you ask? Well, I think that two events in the last 10-12 years or so have already taught us about the actual power and influence of algorithms can alter human perception and behavior, namely Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016. Accordingly, I believe that there are still enough self-aware, intelligent people out there who understand the dangers of AI, mis- / dis-information and how it can distort human perception about what's real and what's not. While events like Brexit, Trump's election, the Covid 19 Pandemic have all turned us inward, I still think there are enough smart people out there who are in full acknowledgement of the kind of damage AI, especially AI based on mis- / dis-information, can do. For that reason alone, I think there will be a careful distribution of AI applications over the next 5-10 years to assure that it supports and enhances the human experience rather that just be a tool of those with nefarious purpose and intent.

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Thank you for your input Lee - as ever, thoughtful and forthright commentary from you. I’d love to read more of your writing - you ever thought of blogging or.. starting a newsletter? I’d subscribe

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As much as I like to write, I'm not really that good a writer because for me just about everything I write comes with a lot of pain and effort. Beside, I'm a Teddy Roosevelt fan and prefer the battle in the area being a recruiter and sourcer. Oddly, my sister is the writer in the family, however, sadly, she doesn't write, even though she's much better than me at it. Proof positive that we're all pretty messed up.

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There will probably be a specific market who won't care about the content generation by AI, however I think there's still a big audience for human writers 🤓

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how do you feel when you read AI generated copy Izka?

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It depends, I think that within 12 months the majority of content will be aided by AIGC, but will still be primarily HGC (in the same way spell check helped me fix this comment)

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good point Grant! we might have some difficulty figuring out what is HG vs AI GC - after all, the training data is all human generated, at least for now!

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I definitely say < 12 months, because look at how fast more people took pictures on their phones vs actual cameras.

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I am inclined to agree..

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