Oct 6, 2023Liked by Hung Lee

Great read Hung as always, thank you. There is a lot of conversation around AI and the creation or not of jobs. For me its the conversation around it not being AI that will take the jobs people do today, what will take the jobs people do today is people who know how to 1. use AI and 2. storytell with the AI. I could wax lyrical on this all day lol

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Hung Lee

Is LI social though? I've always considered it business/professional networking, but there's perennial confusion around this. I think even LI have a slightly confusing definition. I know that over the years some people have used it for more 'social' reasons, which isn't always good either.

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I think it will become more social as alternatives dry up. This seems to be something LinkedIn is actively promoting, with features like 'Creator mode'. They know that daily active usage is low (compared to fb at peak), so have incentive to get users to use it more. So my answer to your question is 'yes, and will become more so'!

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You didn't state Instagram: for me it's the one that will stay!

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do you think? I am so disappointed at the direct Instagram has taken. Copying TikTok is a major mistake IMO!

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Hung- Always enjoy this newsy. I wonder if you can share the direct link to Laeitita's essay as I could not find: brainfooder Laeitita Vitaud who can navigate these themes in a manner which invites debate - this is exceptional essay which points toward a way in which we might recognise biological reality whilst eroding obsolete stereotypes at the same time.

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the title is also a link, and it links correctly to Laetitia's essay

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Zinc does a similar thing to ‘the flip interview’ as a critical thinking and product sense screening in product interview tasks. For example, in a role play, we’ll say something abstract like... “we’re scientists that have created a Time Machine. You now have X minutes to interview us to understand how you’ll take this product to market.”

It’s common to have a discovery call role play in our sales roles too. But this is less abstract.

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yeah very good Luke, this may be a good one to do with regards to a future Brainfood Live. Hope all is going well with you guys at home - chat soon (when you're ready!)

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I appreciate this newsletter, but at the same time, I highly value what Elon Musk is doing for humanity through his diverse projects. I especially appreciate X as a place that aims to protect freedom of speech. It's unfortunate how this Newsletter discredits X at almost every possible opportunity and portrays this platform in a negative light.

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Thank you for sharing your opinion Maciej, I appreciate that it is not always easy to make direct criticism on here.

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I appreciate that you took the time to respond to my comment and value your openness to different perspectives. I hope our exchange of thoughts will contribute to the further development and quality of content in your newsletter. Best regards.

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thank you for making the observation Maciej - though I do disagree with your assessment(!)

I consider myself 'pro-Musk' on aggregate but do also believe he is fairly criticised on many issues, including his product decision making on X.

Happy to have a longer conversation on it, either on here or elsewhere.

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Here are some changes made by Elon that have improved Twitter/X:

Open-sourced code.

Paid creators.

Achieved all-time high usage.

Reduced the incidence of hate speech.

Cracked down on child pornography.

Upheld free speech and disclosed government censorship deals (Twitter files).

Fewer bots,and more content from people I follow.

Enabled the company to break even for the first time.

High quality video upload and streaming.

Certainly, there were some missteps along the way, but hey, you have to blow up some rockets before you can successfully send one to Mars.

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