If you reward and benefit employees with suitable growth (particularly over the course of longer term employment) then the fear that drives the kind of non-competes behaviour / mentality would probably disappear.

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Apr 29Liked by Hung Lee

If I understand correctly, from a recruitment stand of point, that's great! It will allow us a Talent Acq. Partners to get the specific experience and knowledge our hiring teams and leadership desire from our specific industries. From a business stand of point, I am unsure...Continuying to read the different opinions and how it can impact businesses overall to help me form my own opinion.

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Apr 28Liked by Hung Lee

Commonly conflated, there are differences between non-competes, non-solicites, and non-disclosures. I believe that the FTC rule primarily addresses the former.

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> Does this mean anyone you hire, can just walk out with their client list?

Isn't that more the realm of an NDA rather than a noncompete?

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yes and no - we are talking about what is in someones head. Lets say there is a number of confidential deals which are about to made, someone leaves who has this knowledge, any NDA would be ineffective has the new hire would not necessarily need to disclose anything to materially impact those deals. Usually, the way to handle this, would be prevent them from working for a competitor for a set period time, whilst the deal matured.

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