It would've been nice with 3rd party options or neither of the two, to reflect more accurate beliefs and support the movement to end the 2 party-system. Either by voting Green Party or Claudia&Karina from the Party of Socialism and Liberation.

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Please for the love of all that is holy no politics “stuff.” The mental health of Americans thanks you.

I, as an American cannot wait until this election is over. The divisiveness is exhausting & nauseating & it’s non stop 24/7.

And as soon as this POTUS is elected, the commentary will start on 2028.

It’s now permeated LinkedIn with some unbelievable comments.

And no, I’m not saying who I voted for (early election) since the question was posed to OUS.

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Voting: I would not vote for either. It’s an issue throughout the world,but in the US it’s just magnified.

Neither candidate is capable of running a country. Period.

I wish we would change the whole premise.

You want to be a minister of health, great… you have to have studied in that field and have work experience in that field.

Minister of Defense? Studied and worked in the field.

President? You have to come from one of the field and have proven yourself… and then the people vote.

But then the voting system in the US is crazy.

As for the rest of the newsletter. Loved it!

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This 👆🏻 totally agree!

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