Hey Hung, thanks for mentioning jobforagent.com! I know it may look dodgy, but hey - hope AI agents don't judge a job board by its cover ;-)

(We're cooking up some more features so stay tuned for the glow-up! 🚀)



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Hey Kamil - would like to join a Brainfood Live to discuss 'AI Agents for Recruiting & HR'?

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Hey Hung, sure thing! Ping me via DM or let's catch up over LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kamilstanuch/) to discuss details



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prob better on email Kamil, as I am unable to connect to new people on LinkedIn. In any case, we are doing this: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/brainfood-live-on-air-ep292

Can you join?

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Feb 14th - lovely, I'll be there. My email kamil@stanuch.eu

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going to get you on screen, with other agent builders - lets discuss

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Thank you for another brain twisting edition Hung and for the feature of my long read 😍. For me the best one now was the "Five contrarian ideas about genAI in the workplace" - I find it so relevant and easy to grasp, thank you for promoting it.

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its a wild one eh?

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You need to talk to Eugene Vd hemel and Max Boodie (his real name 😬) on the blue collar recruitment thing. He is (with me and some others) writing a book on mbo recruitment which is Dutch for blue practical education, aka blue collar work.

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